The new programme of short courses to learn about and how to use the languages and tools of the new media arts. Open to photography enthusiasts and the simply curious, the package includes courses to learn photography, coding and sound art techniques, as well as courses to expand knowledge and know-how, in particular on video game applications and artificial intelligence in the field of visual arts. The programme runs parallel to and delves further into the themes proposed in the Fondazione Modena Arti Visive exhibitions which involve artists such as Luigi Ghirri and Eva & Franco Mattes.
What is Elements?
It is a programme of short courses, divided into thematic areas. There are practical courses to learn photography and video techniques or which look at the main post-production software, focusing on specific points to learn to best get across the projects and the ideas brewing in your head!
Who is it for?
For photography enthusiasts, amateur and professional photographers and anyone who wants to get the basic knowledge and techniques to approach the world of photography and the media.
How are the courses organized?
Online, in person, hybrid, in the evening or concentrated during the weekend, in line with all the needs of contemporary living.
Depending on the pandemic situation, theoretical lessons that should be in person can be transformed into online lessons, while trips will be carried out as soon as the situation permits.
The courses will only be held when the minimum number of participants is reached.