Computer lab
A room available to students, used for technical lessons and individual work. It has 12 work stations each with software for image and video post-production, graphics tablet, scanner, calibrated monitor and Epson printer.
Video and photographic equipment
The school has a wide range of work tools: film and digital video cameras, from small and mid-sized Canon and Hasselblads to Sinar optical benches. Several sets of flash and continuous lights, tripods and stands are also available.
Dark room
With six up to 10x12 cm format enlargers, it is divided into two distinct areas to facilitate the different negative processing phases, from development to printing.
Photographic studio
A photographic studio of around 40 sq m with the possibility of creating special sets for still lifes, portraits or video recording.
Atelier and co-working area
The atelier is a student-run area where they can check on the exhibition set-up phases and try out different display methods. During the year, real, public exhibitions are put on in the atelier. A multi-purpose co-working area is also available.
Library and video library
The library shelves are host to over 1,000 photography books: monographs by the most important Italian and international artists, catalogues and essays ranging from historical to contemporary photography. The video library houses around 150 video interviews with artists whose works are in the collection and important figures from the art world.